有次无意间看到了百度浏览器的动画效果,一直恋恋不忘,终于抽了点空仿了一个场景,感觉steps animation逐帧动画还是很强大呀。
<div id="main"> <div id="stage"> <div id="space"></div> <div id="mountains"> <div class="mountain mountain-1"></div> <div class="mountain mountain-2"></div> <div class="mountain mountain-3"></div> </div> <div id="bear"></div> <div id="lights"> <div class="light light-1"></div> <div class="light light-2"></div> <div class="light light-3"></div> <div class="light light-4"></div> <div class="light light-5"></div> <div class="light light-6"></div> <div class="light light-7"></div> <div class="light light-8"></div> <div class="light light-9"></div> <div class="light light-10"></div> <div class="light light-11"></div> <div class="light light-12"></div> <div class="light light-13"></div> <div class="light light-14"></div> </div> </div> <div id="sence"> <div id="sence-content"> <div id="sence-icon"> <div id="sence-icon-logo"></div> </div> <div id="sence-title"></div> </div> </div> </div>
body{ margin:0;} html,body{ width:100%; height:100%;} body{ font:16px "microsoft Yahei"; background:#464853 url(images/bg-container.png) repeat-x; min-width:1000px; min-height:550px; } #main,#stage,#sence{ width:100%; height:100%; overflow:hidden; } #main,#stage{ position:relative;} #sence{ position:absolute; left:0; top:0;} /*星空背景图,无缝循环播放。*/ #space{ width:3840px; height:100%; position:absolute; left:0; top:0; background:url(images/bg-space.png) repeat-x; animation:moving 450s linear infinite;} /*整个山的舞台容器,高度是最高的山的背景图片的高度。*/ #mountains{ width:100%; height:17.78125em; position:absolute; left:0; bottom:0; overflow:hidden; animation:mountains-in 0.8s ease-out forwards; } /*宽高使用了em的倍数关系。1em=16px*/ .mountain{ width:240em; position:absolute; left:0; bottom:0; } /*第一张山的背景图片,无缝拼接滚动。*/ .mountain-1{ height:10.5em; z-index:3; background:url(images/bg-mountain-1.png) repeat-x; background-size:auto 100%; animation:moving 100s linear 0.8s infinite; } .mountain-2{ height:12em; z-index:2; background:url(images/bg-mountain-2.png) repeat-x; background-size:auto 100%; animation:moving 160s linear 0.8s infinite; } .mountain-3{ height:17.78125em; z-index:1; background:url(images/bg-mountain-3.png) repeat-x; background-size:auto 100%; animation:moving 360s linear 0.8s infinite; } /*熊出没*/ #bear{ position:absolute; left:-4%; margin-left:-6.25em; bottom:40px; z-index:10; width:6.25em;/*8个熊的宽度是1600,图片缩小为一半,800px,每个熊的宽度是100px,100/16=6.25em;*/ height:3.125em; background:url(images/bear.png) 0 0 no-repeat; background-size:50em 100%; /*一个熊的宽度是6.25em,8个熊的宽度是50em*/ animation:bear-run-in 3.6s step-end 0.6s forwards,bear-run 0.8s steps(8,end) 4.2s infinite forwards; /*熊快速跑进画面,然后原地踏步。*/ } /*熊原地踏步,通过背景的后退感觉熊在前进。*/ #bear.running{ left:50%; animation:bear-run 0.8s steps(8,end) infinite; } /*极光的样式*/ #lights{ width:68.22222em; height:37.38888em; position:absolute; left:50%; margin-left:-34.11111em; top:0; } .light{ width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; left:0; top:0; opacity:0;} /*极光的规律就是透明度的变化,运动时间为7s,每张图片的间隔是0.5s,所以要连贯起来,需要至少14张图片。*/ .light-1{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-1.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 0.2s infinite;} .light-2{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-2.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 0.7s infinite;} .light-3{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-3.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 1.2s infinite;} .light-4{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-4.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 1.7s infinite;} .light-5{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-5.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 2.2s infinite;} .light-6{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-4.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 2.7s infinite;} .light-7{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-3.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 3.2s infinite;} .light-8{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-2.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 3.7s infinite;} .light-9{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-1.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 4.2s infinite;} .light-10{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-2.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 4.5s infinite;} .light-11{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-3.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 5.2s infinite;} .light-12{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-4.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 5.7s infinite;} .light-13{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-5.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 6.2s infinite;} .light-14{ background:url(images/bg-aurora-4.png) no-repeat; background-size:100% auto; animation:lights 7s linear 6.7s infinite;} /*场景样式*/ #sence-content{ width:16em; position:absolute; left:50%; top:50%; margin:-5em 0 0 -8em; opacity:0; animation:logo 0.4s ease-in 0.2s forwards; } #sence-icon{ width:7em; height:7em; position:relative; margin:0 auto 1em; } #sence-icon-logo{ width:100%; height:100%; background:url(images/bg-logo-long.png) no-repeat; background-size:168em 7em; animation:icon 1.6s steps(23,end) 0.8s forwards;/*有24个步骤图片,但是加上forwards后,只能设置23步骤,最后一步要保持最后状态不变,否则图片会消失。*/} #sence-title{ height:4.444em; width:13.204em; background:url(images/bg-title.png) no-repeat; background-size:100%; margin:0 auto 1em ; } @keyframes icon{ 0%{ background-position:0em 0em;} 100%{ background-position:-161em 0; }} @keyframes logo{ 0%{ opacity:0; transform:translateY(0);} 100%{ opacity:1; transform:translateY(-50%); } } @keyframes lights{ 0%{ opacity:0;} 14%{ opacity:1;} 28%{ opacity:0;} 100%{ opacity:0;} } @keyframes moving{ 0%{ transform:translateX(0);} 100%{ transform:translateX(-50%);}} @keyframes mountains-in{ 0%{ opacity:0; transform:scale(1.5); } 100%{ opacity:1; transform:scale(1);}} @keyframes bear-run-in{ /*第一个完步,时间间隔1.38888889%,图片间隔一个熊,位置间隔1.75%*/ 0% { background-position: 0em 0; left: -4%; } 1.38888889% { background-position: -6.25em 0; left: -2.25%; } 2.77777778% { background-position: -12.5em 0; left: -0.5%; } 4.16666667% { background-position: -18.75em 0; left: 1.25%; } 5.55555556% { background-position: -25em 0; left: 3%; } 6.94444444% { background-position: -31.25em 0; left: 4.75%; } 8.33333333% { background-position: -37.5em 0; left: 6.5%; } 9.72222222% { background-position: -43.75em 0; left: 8.25%; } 11.11111111% { background-position: -50em 0; left: 10%; } /*第二个完步开始,时间间隔1.66666667%,间隔一个熊,位置间隔1.5%。速度比第一个完步慢。*/ 11.11111111% { background-position: 0em 0; left: 10%; } 12.77777778% { background-position: -6.25em 0; left: 11.5%; } 14.44444444% { background-position: -12.5em 0; left: 13%; } 16.11111111% { background-position: -18.75em 0; left: 14.5%; } 17.77777778% { background-position: -25em 0; left: 16%; } 19.44444444% { background-position: -31.25em 0; left: 17.5%; } 21.11111111% { background-position: -37.5em 0; left: 19%; } 22.77777778% { background-position: -43.75em 0; left: 20.5%; } 24.44444444% { background-position: -50em 0; left: 22%; } /*第三个完步开始,时间间隔1.94444444%,间隔一个熊,位置间隔1.25%。速度比第二个完步慢。*/ 24.44444444% { background-position: 0em 0; left: 22%; } 26.38888889% { background-position: -6.25em 0; left: 23.25%; } 28.33333333% { background-position: -12.5em 0; left: 24.5%; } 30.27777778% { background-position: -18.75em 0; left: 25.75%; } 32.22222222% { background-position: -25em 0; left: 27%; } 34.16666667% { background-position: -31.25em 0; left: 28.25%; } 36.11111111% { background-position: -37.5em 0; left: 29.5%; } 38.05555556% { background-position: -43.75em 0; left: 30.75%; } 40% { background-position: -50em 0; left: 32%; } /*第四个完步开始,时间间隔2.22222222%,间隔一个熊,位置间隔1%。速度比第三个完步慢。*/ 40% { background-position: 0em 0; left: 32%; } 42.22222222% { background-position: -6.25em 0; left: 33%; } 44.44444444% { background-position: -12.5em 0; left: 34%; } 46.66666667% { background-position: -18.75em 0; left: 35%; } 48.88888889% { background-position: -25em 0; left: 36%; } 51.11111111% { background-position: -31.25em 0; left: 37%; } 53.33333333% { background-position: -37.5em 0; left: 38%; } 55.55555556% { background-position: -43.75em 0; left: 39%; } 57.77777778% { background-position: -50em 0; left: 40%; } /*第五个完步开始,时间间隔2.5%,间隔一个熊,位置间隔0.75%。速度比第四个完步慢。*/ 57.77777778% { background-position: 0em 0; left: 40%; } 60.27777778% { background-position: -6.25em 0; left: 40.75%; } 62.77777778% { background-position: -12.5em 0; left: 41.5%; } 65.27777778% { background-position: -18.75em 0; left: 42.25%; } 67.77777778% { background-position: -25em 0; left: 43%; } 70.27777778% { background-position: -31.25em 0; left: 43.75%; } 72.77777778% { background-position: -37.5em 0; left: 44.5%; } 75.27777778% { background-position: -43.75em 0; left: 45.25%; } 77.77777778% { background-position: -50em 0; left: 46%; } /*第六个完步开始,时间间隔逐步增多2.77777776%,2.77777777%等,间隔一个熊,位置间隔0.5%。速度比第五个完步慢。逐步慢下来*/ 77.77777778% { background-position: 0em 0; left: 46%; } 80.55555556% { background-position: -6.25em 0; left: 46.5%; } 83.33333333% { background-position: -12.5em 0; left: 47%; } 86.11111111% { background-position: -18.75em 0; left: 47.5%; } 88.88888889% { background-position: -25em 0; left: 48%; } 91.66666667% { background-position: -31.25em 0; left: 48.5%; } 94.44444444% { background-position: -37.5em 0; left: 49%; } 97.22222222% { background-position: -43.75em 0; left: 49.5%; } 100% { background-position: -50em 0; left: 50%; } } @keyframes bear-run{ 0%{ background-position: 0em 0; } 100%{ background-position: -50em 0; } } /*通过em倍数关系设置对象大小,根据屏幕大小设置不同的文字大小,从而改变对象的宽高。*/ @media screen and (max-height:500px){ body{ font-size:14px; } } @media screen and (min-width:1280px){ body{ font-size:16px; } @media screen and (min-width:1440px){ body{ font-size:18px; } @media screen and (min-width:1600px){ body{ font-size:22px; } @media screen and (min-width:1920px){ body{ font-size:24px; } }
window.onload=function(){ var oBear=document.getElementById("bear"); setTimeout(running,5000);//延迟5秒,加载一个class为running。 function running(){ oBear.className="running"; } }
弄了二个下午,终于搞定,改天好好写一个steps animation的教程,感觉还是有点难度的。
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yd69it8QXeahyyY2Gy2Ofg 提取码: inc1